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Adult Education


“Be strong, be strong, and let us be strengthened! Chazak, chazak, v’nitchazeik!” are the words that we say in unison each time we conclude the reading of one of the Five Books of the Torah.

“Chazak…” is a blessing aimed at the entire congregation marking the milestone and accomplishment that occurs throughout each and every year. The Torah readings are “re-cycled” each year. We begin the cycle anew every Simchat Torah and even though the written words of the text stay the same from year to year, there is always more to learn. What we bring to the Torah changes as our views and experiences change.

Rabbi Harold Kushner expresses, “When I pray, I speak to God.  When I study Torah, I keep quiet and let God speak to me.”  If we are open, we can draw strength from the Torah’s teachings, just as the Torah draws strength and life from us.

We are blessed to be presenting the second semester of Adult Learning opportunities in a new calendar format, providing many occasions for “God to speak to you.” We hope you discover programs in this calendar/catalog that strengthen you personally.

Our tradition teaches that when we examine and wrestle with the texts of the Bible and other Jewish books, we are able to find meaning and purpose in our lives. And when we connect to our greater purpose, our community is also strengthened.

We encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities to enrich your mind and strengthen your soul, which will make us all even stronger.

With blessings,

Rabbi Barry Block
Meg Goldenberg Marion, Adult Learning Chair