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Congregation B’nai Israel has a rich and meaningful worship tradition. Our services are designed to stimulate, inspire and enrich the lives of our members and community. Principally we use the Reform movement’s Mishkan T’filah prayer book with its thoughtful and meaningful presentation of the liturgy. Each quarter, our Shabbat services follow the New Union Prayer book taking a more classical Reform mode of worship. Music is especially important to our congregation.We have a long tradition of dedicated Temple members enhancing services with vocal and instrumental gifts. Special musical Shabbat services are scheduled throughout the year.

All are welcome at our Shabbat services Friday evenings at 6:15pm, preceded at 5:45pm by an Oneg Shabbat (visit and snack). Shabbat morning services are held Saturday mornings at 11:00 am, preceded by Torah Study at 9:30 am.

Please check the Temple Calendar for updates.