B’nai Israel is pleased to offer our members the opportunity to borrow the High Holiday Machzor (prayer books) for this important and holy season.
The parties to this agreement are Congregation B’nai Israel, Little Rock, Arkansas, hereafter ‘lender’ and
hereafter ‘borrower’. Borrowers are taking temporary possession of a set of Mishkan HaNefesh High Holiday Prayer books – Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur editions at no charge for the High Holiday season. Pick up will begin on August 30, 2021, and to be returned no later than September 30, 2021.
Pick up will begin on August 30, 2021 from the Temple Porte Cochere.
Borrowers are expected to return the books in perfect condition to the Temple no later than 4:30 pm on September 30. Books not returned in a satisfactory condition will be replaced at the cost of the borrower, along with associated shipping costs. The replacement cost is $44.00 (plus tax and
shipping) from the CCAR Press.